Major Concerns about Surrogacy

In some states, this procedure is actually legal. Like for example in California, there is already an established legislation that makes it possible for heterosexual and homosexual couples to have their own child. Despite the increasing popularity this procedure has gained, there are still a lot of individuals who are not well versed with this process.

Exactly what is this process?

Surrogacy is the answer for couples who cannot conceive their own child. It involves an agreement with another woman (surrogate) to carry the pregnancy for intended parents.

Is there an association between the surrogate and the infant?

There are basically two kinds: Gestational and Traditional. Gestational Surrogacy results from IVF or In Vitro Fertilization. In this process, the egg is fertilized by the sperm outside the body and the resulting baby becomes genetically unrelated to the surrogate mother. Meanwhile, Traditional Surrogacy involves the surrogate as a carrier may it be impregnated naturally or artificially wherein the resulting baby has a genetic link to the surrogate.

Are there cases that a surrogate claims the child?

Prior to the surrogate’s selection, a set of examinations is conducted to determine if the surrogate is physically and emotionally worthy of supporting the whole process. For the safety of all parties, legal papers are authorized and signed.

Exactly what is actually the expense for surrogacy?

Surrogacy is costly. The expense accounts for the Surrogate’s compensation, medical costs and medications, just to name a few. This is where research and comparison of varying fees from different agencies come in handy. There is also financing made available to intended parents to alleviate the financial pain involved in this process.

Is this procedure legal?

The answer to this question is both yes and no, depending on which state you are in. As mentioned above, surrogacy is legal in California. Other similar states would be Illinois and Oregon. New Jersey and New York, on the other hand, have different views on the process.