
Celebrities and Surrogacy

Surrogacy Information

With advancements in in-vitro fertilization (IVF), gestational surrogacy has become the hope of many parents going through the aches of infertility. Even though surrogacy is the root of countless political and social debates, there’s no halting those people who have made a decision to go through with the procedure.

The surrogacy process is complicated and takes a lot of time and effort, but those who are determined to have their own child still opt for the procedure. Let’s take a look at several celebrities who have gone through surrogacy services and who were and are satisfied with the results.

In 2010, Chris Daughtry and wife Deanna had twins, Adalynn and Noah, through a surrogate. They opted for gestational surrogacy because Daughtry’s wife had a partial hysterectomy in 2006 and was unable to bear a child.

In 2002, Michael Jackson had Prince Michael “Blanket” Jackson II by personally choosing a nurse to carry his son. Jackson had donated his sperm and carefully selected a donor egg to match the qualities he had chosen.

In 2011, Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban went through a series of misfortunes while trying to have a second child. Kidman had an ectopic pregnancy, experienced miscarriages, and went through fertility treatments. Both Kidman and Urban wanted to have a second baby, so when everything else failed they saw hope in surrogacy. Now they have Faith Margaret and are happy with their decision.

In 2011, Robert De Niro and wife Grace Hightower had a baby girl through surrogacy. De Niro also had twin sons via surrogacy with ex-girlfriend Toukie Smith.

Surrogacy opens a new window of hope. It allows couples with fertility issues to have children of their own. These are just a few profiles of famous people who chose surrogacy. Despite the ongoing debate over surrogacy on legal and moral grounds, there is no denying that the process has helped a lot of couples find happiness that money alone can’t buy.

Gestational Surrogate

Nutrition 101 For Gestational Surrogate Mothers

Gestational Surrogate Nutritional Tips

Acquiring proper nutrition for gestational surrogate mothers shouldn’t be a burden. By incorporating the suggestions given here, you are sure to get on the right track to experiencing a healthier and better life as a surrogate mom.

When building a diet plan for optimal nutrition as a surrogate mother, make sure to incorporate the most important meal of the day—breakfast. Shortly after your body has gone without food for an entire night, it needs breakfast to give you and the baby you are carrying enough fuel for the day.

Understanding the best way to balance your diet in order to get the best in nutrition is also critical for surrogate mothers. Following a certain food ration such as this one helps: half carbs, one-quarter protein, and one-quarter fat. Keep in mind that, as a surrogate mother, you are not just eating for yourself, but also for the baby you are supporting.

Familiarize yourself with the many nutritional profiles of the foods you digest; understand your alternatives and go for significantly healthier options. As a gestational surrogate mother, don’t be anxious about the food you eat when you go out with friends. You can ask for a menu that displays the nutritional information for the meals you like to order. This way, you’re making healthy choices for you and the baby you are carrying.

As mentioned earlier, understanding food alternatives and making healthy food switches are important to enjoying good, nutritious food. A prime example of this is to focus on baked goods instead of fried foods. As a surrogate mother, cutting down on unhealthy oils is ideal. Baked or steamed foods contain less oils and fat compared to fried foods. Also, you will feel a lot more energetic throughout the day if you consume good-quality baked foods on a daily basis.

As a gestational surrogate, keep yourself hydrated with water and try to eat smaller meals. Five or six smaller portions distributed throughout the duration of the day will provide better digestion and keep weight down. Regulating your weight as a gestational surrogate mom can help prevent hypertension, diabetes, and other ailments. Frequent eating also cuts your appetite, thus lessening the need to overeat.

As a gestational surrogate, appropriate nutrition is the key to how bad or good you feel, as what you put in your body affects your overall health. With these easy-to-follow tips, you are on your way to a healthier surrogacy journey for yourself and the baby you are carrying.

Surrogate Mother

How To Be The Best Surrogate Mother In Ohio

Tips on Being a Surrogate Mother

Choosing to become a surrogate mother in Ohio is a rewarding experience, but can cause a woman to feel overwhelmed with all the changes that will take place. If you are worried about what you can do right now to be the best surrogate mother, read this article, which is filled with tips to help you get started on making you surrogacy journey more enjoyable.

To begin, as a surrogate mother, make sure that you are 100-percent comfortable with the doctor, the OB/GYN, or any other specialists who will be delivering the intended parents’ child. If you are not, search for another one until you are. Ask concerns when you need an answer; there is practically nothing your doctor has not heard before. All these things will ensure that your experience as a surrogate mother is calmer and less difficult.

Before becoming a surrogate mother, make sure to see your dentist. Many times during the process of surrogacy, your gums can become sensitive, and a simple dental procedure causes discomfort. You also will not be able to get any x-rays done during your surrogate experience, so it’s ideal to get those out of the way beforehand.

Avoid exposure to items with chemicals that could impair you and the baby. These can be commonly found in many cleaning products used at home, in the office, and pretty much anywhere you go. Getting even the faintest whiff of these chemicals may not only hurt yourself, but also the baby you are carrying. It is best to use items made out of only all-natural components.

As a surrogate, you should exercise on a daily basis. Exercising regularly will help you steer clear of unwanted weight gain. Exercise can also enhance your circulation, which aids in the reduction of aches and pains like leg cramps at night. Try to refrain from exercising in the evening, as exercise will make it difficult for you to go to sleep.

Sticking to your exercise routine after giving birth is not a bad idea. There are many benefits when it comes to post-pregnancy exercising, such weight loss and decreased risk of postpartum depression. As a surrogate, it pays to take note of how you feel and to learn when to take it slow. However, staying fit after the surrogacy venture will help you recover and get back in shape much faster.

When you are a surrogate, stay clear of any over-the-counter (OTC) medication without getting your physician’s approval. Several OTC medications can be toxic to the baby you are carrying if they are passed on through the womb.

All of these tips are sure to make you feel better about your decision to become a surrogate mother. Remember that a cheerful and lively you is the best way to ensure a happy and healthy baby for the intended parents. So get started today to make your surrogate journey the best it can be.

Surrogacy Contracts: 3 Helpful Tips Every Intended Parent Should Know

Surrogacy Contracts: 3 Helpful Tips Every Intended Parent Should Know

Intended parents can face a lot of confusion regarding the legal aspects of surrogacy, and one of the biggest sources of confusion in the surrogacy process is the surrogacy contract. The surrogacy contract refers to the legal agreement between the intended parents and the surrogate. The contract lists all legal provisions and agreements related to the process of surrogacy. Having a legal contract between a surrogate and the intended parents is very important to avoid any future legal conflicts. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, the surrogacy contract will act as a legal guide for both intended parents and the surrogate.

In order to get a better understanding of surrogacy contracts, here are 3 of the most important things every intended parent should know:

Tip 1. Surrogacy contracts differ from state to state.
Every state recognizes surrogacy as a reproductive option, but while some states have passed laws and statutes defining the surrogacy process, others do not have specific laws addressing surrogacy. In most states where surrogacy is recognized, there are laws and statutes that define the paternity of the child, the financial obligations and the rights of the intended parents and the surrogate. It is very important to know what the local laws and statutes are before getting into any legal contract with a surrogate. Reproductive specialty lawyers who specialize in surrogacy can help intended parents better understand all the different laws and statutes on surrogacy. Surrogate agencies will employ reproductive specialty lawyers for intended parents and surrogates in order to ensure that each party is legally protected.

Tip 2. The surrogacy contract is essential.
The surrogacy contract is very important to avoid any future legal conflicts that may arise during the process of surrogacy. A surrogacy contract is a binding and enforceable legal contract for the intended parents and surrogate. It pre-defines the paternity of the child and both the financial and behavioral responsibilities of each party. The surrogacy contract allows each party (meaning the intended parents and the surrogate) to state their own intentions and responsibilities to one another, and it establishes guidelines for what actions will be taken in the event of medical complications such as the number of embryos to be transferred at one time, if selective reduction is an acceptable option, and which type of delivery method will be used. All of these agreements and conditions are very important to avoid any legal conflicts that may arise during and after the surrogacy process. Surrogate agencies can provide helpful information on the different aspects included in a surrogacy contract.

Tip 3. The surrogacy contract should be reviewed by reproductive specialty lawyers representing each party.
Neither the intended parents nor the surrogate are required by law to use a reproductive specialty lawyer’s services for the surrogacy contract. However, it is highly advisable that the surrogacy contract be reviewed by a reproductive specialty lawyer in order to be certain that the child’s paternity is pre-established, and to properly identify the financial and medical obligations of each party. It is also recommended that both the surrogate and the intended parents have their own reproductive specialty lawyers review the surrogacy contract. Each reproductive specialty lawyer will review the surrogacy contract to ensure that the client’s responsibilities, rights, and paternity are properly identified. In most cases, surrogate agencies will provide both the intended parents and the surrogate with their own reproductive specialty lawyer.

The surrogate process can be confusing for intended parents, and reviewing and understanding the surrogacy contract is one of the best ways to clear up that confusion. The structure and clarity the surrogacy contract provides can help intended parents to feel comfortable and confident throughout the surrogate process.
